(click image to biggify)
This is Madison. She's a little longhaired tabby that my sister rescued as a stray when she started hanging around under the porch. My sister noticed that she had two kittens, and took in all three. She was also taking care of Mambo (in the background of the photo, who is now sadly deceased after a long happy life of 20 years) at the time, since I was living in an apartment where I couldn't have pets.
When I moved into a pet-friendly place, my sister drove to New York City with Mambo and this little brown and white girlcat, which she gave to me after adopting one of the kittens out to my brother and deciding to keep the other kitten herself.
She came to me in the fall of 2004, and she was a little less than a year old and unspayed, so the first order of business was to get her to Bideawee for "tutoring." When I got to Bideawee, I realized that she didn't have a name, so I filled in the form "TBD," thinking I would come up with a name for her later. It wasn't until they called me into the exam room "TBD!" that I realized the staff would of course think that was the cat's name. Duh.
In retrospect, I should have waited awhile before naming her, gotten to know her a little more. I always wanted a cat with a clever name, or something sassy and amusing. (Someday I'll tell you how Mambo came by his name.) But someone saw her and admired her beauty and luxurious coat, and said she needed a name that said New York AND class, so of course, she somehow got saddled with a "hooker-classy" name. Madison.
I've tried calling her "Madison," I've tried calling her "Maddie." But honestly, as uncreative as it sounds, she is simply "Miss Kitty." I could conjure all the "Gunsmoke" tall tales in the world, but actually, it's easy, she responds to it, and by now, it just fits.
Now, the tongue.
I can't explain the tongue, except to say it's ALWAYS THERE. Yes, I know, everyone has that one photo of his or her cat with a tiny bit of tongue sticking out. Sometimes cats do that. Well, not this one. There is no sometimes here. The tongue is always, always, always out. Miss Kitty's tongue has become Facebook Famous in my small circle of friends.
Yes, I'm a cat lady who posts pictures of her cat on the internet.
So, since we know the internet is made of kitties and pictures of boobs, and I prefer to keep my boobs private, I am going to try to shamelessly glom onto the internet fame of Tard and Henri.
Thus: Miss Kitty's Tongue.
Me likey. Not so likey: Richard Ford. The-Freaking-Sportswriter, or, as I like the call him, the least sympathetic protagonist on the planet. Next to Bella-Freaking-Swan.